2010年5月28日 星期五


2010年05月28日 (02:43 pm)
  • 外電報道,英國一名 17歲的克里斯( Chris Waldron)少年因 5歲喪父,母又患癌,自己喜歡的女孩又不愛自己,去年 10月,留下遺書,之後上吊自殺。

克里斯的父親 5年前死於腦瘤,加上發現心儀的女孩愛上了他的好友,之後母親證實患有乳癌。當克里斯在高級程度( A Level)模擬考試中不及格後,便決意尋死,留低一張自殺的字紙給家人,發送了一個 SMS給喜歡的女孩後,便在離他家不遠的森林上吊自殺。


Teenager whose father died hangs himself after mother is diagnosed with cancer

Chris Waldron

Chris Waldron hanged himself after his father died of a brain tumour and his mother was diagnosed with cancer

A teenager who lost his father to a brain tumour hanged himself after his mother was diagnosed with cancer, an inquest heard.

Tragic Chris Waldron, 17, spiralled into depression after failing his exams and discovering a girl he liked was seeing his best friend.

But the final straw came when his mother Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer - just five years after he watched his dad Bill die of a brain tumour.

Chris, who had recently failed his mock A level exams, hanged himself in woodland just yards from his home last October.

He left a suicide note for his family and another for a girl he liked, who he also sent a text message on the day he killed himself.

After Tuesday's inquest, his mother Mrs Waldron, 48, said: 'He was a lovely boy. He didn't realise how loved he was.'

Recording a verdict of suicide the inquest in Flax Bourton, near Bristol, deputy assistant coroner for Avon, Terry Moore, said: 'Chris was a young man with tremendous promise.

'But this same young man had a life full of pressures.

'His mother had recently been diagnosed with cancer, from which she has thankfully since recovered.

'There was also the shock of not getting the results that he wanted or expected in his exams and we have heard discussions about his relationships.'

He added: 'There was a lot of pressure and problems there for him to deal with.'


