2010年2月1日 星期一

Guolin Qigong in HKU/QMH for Hypertension 香港大學和瑪麗醫院研究證實郭林氣功對高血壓病患有效

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搜尋hypertension 的相關網誌:共5篇,以下為1-5篇。
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2010-01-01 14:37
香港大學:郭林氣功治療高血壓的研究報告Original ArticleJournal of HumanHypertension(2005)19,697–704. doi:10.1038/sj.jhh.1001884; published online 19 May 2005Randomised...effect of Guolin qigong on blood pressure. In all, 88 patients with mild essentialhypertension were recruited from the community and randomised to Goulin qigong...
2009-05-28 15:23
...Guolin Qi Gong: A Pilot Study. BMC Complement Altern. Med. 1, 8.------------Journal of HumanHypertension (2005) 19, 697–704.doi:10.1038/sj.jhh.1001884; published online 19 May 2005...
2009-06-02 08:46
... slow walking, ... improved on measures of hypertension and psychological well-being. ... www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1526-4637...
2008-09-25 16:57
...瑪麗醫院 醫院管理局 論文: 郭林氣功降低原發性高血壓 Original ArticleJournal of HumanHypertension (2005) 19, 697–704. doi:10.1038/sj.jhh.1001884; published online 19 May 2005...effect of Guolin qigong on blood pressure. In all, 88 patients with mild essentialhypertension were recruited from the community and randomised to Goulin qigong...
2008-09-03 10:11
...和香港醫院管理局瑪麗醫院 對《郭林氣功》聯合研究 文摘之一 Journal of Human Hypertension(2005) 19, 697–704. doi:10.1038/sj.jhh.1001884; published online 19 May 2005...effect of Guolin qigong on blood pressure. In all, 88 patients with mild essential hypertension were recruited from the community and randomised to Goulin qigong...



1、个体化原则 要根据病人的年龄、病情和体质,选择适宜的运动项目、运动强度和时间。
2、分段原则 癌症患者的运动疗法可分为几个阶段。
3、全面原则 要注意全身运动与局部运动想结合,这样才能发挥其康复医疗的最大作用。一般以全身运动为主,局部截肢或伴有脑血管病的患者,还应配合相应的局部运动和功能锻炼。
4、渐进式原则 运动要循序渐进,逐渐既大运动量。在开始时,运动量要小,随着病人机体功能的改善,运动量可逐渐加大。达到应有的强度后,即维持在此水平上坚持锻炼。防止突然加大和无限加大运动量,以免发生心脑血管意外。
5、维持性原则 运动锻炼对癌症的康复具有一定效果,但亦并非一日之功,只要长期坚持才能收到预期的效果。尤其进行郭林新气功运动锻炼时,坚持不懈方能取得疗效。

==== 汉译英 ====

The researchers found that in both cancer patients after chemotherapy or surgery, should not be resting, moderate exercise, such as long-distance walking, Guo Lin Qigong and gymnastics and so on, can improve the patient's physical capacity for coordination, cardiovascular capacity, increase enduranceand the immune system, fight cancer, a significant effect. Of course, cancer patients, physical weakness, lower immune function, using

Exercise therapy will also be required to follow the following principles:
1, the principle of individualized according to patient's age, illness and physical, choose suitable sports, exercise intensity and time.
2, sub-principles of exercise therapy in patients with cancer can be divided into several stages.
Phase 1: Long-term bed rest or ambulatory cancer patients after surgery can be done does not cost much effort to a simple action or Guo Lin Qigong to improve muscle strength.

Stage 2: When the cancer patients can get up activities, may properly be walking, standing qigong and other physical exercise, increasing exercise intensity, improve physical reserves, in order to
To create conditions for resumption of normal activities.
Stage 3: When the cancer is fully capable of Asahi from the bed, they can increase the amount of exercise, and gradually to extend the walking distance and time, to Guo Lin qigong sports such as forging a new Refining, in order to enhance strength and promote recovery.
3, comprehensive principles should pay attention to body movement and local motion to combine, in order to play its most important function of rehabilitation therapy. Generally the main body movement, partial amputation
Or associated with cerebrovascular disease patients, but also with the corresponding local movements and functional exercise.
4, the principle of progressive movement should be gradual, and gradually both the large amount of exercise. At the beginning, exercise should be small, with the bodily functions of patients improved, exercise can be gradually increased.
Reached the required strength later, maintained at this level exercising. To prevent the sudden increase, and infinitely more physical activity in order to avoid cardio-cerebral vascular accident.
5, maintaining the principle of exercise on the rehabilitation of cancer has a certain effect, but it is not a day, as long as the long-term adherence to receive the desired effect. In particular, new to Guo Lin qigong and other physical exercise, the persistent effect to be achieved.

Tags: 癌症 康复

