2013年11月10日 星期日

qigong, cancer, prostate, fatigue, androgen,

qigong, cancer, prostate, fatigue, androgen, Flow past post-cancer fatigue 11 November 2013 At a glance Research in this WellBeing Natural Health & Living News item was sourced from: Journal of Cancer Survivorship Tags: qigong, cancer, prostate, fatigue, androgen, Health news daily, WellBeing news, yoga news, natural health news, natural therapy news, natural therapy practitioner news, natural therapy practitioner professional development, news for natural therapy practitioners, health alternatives, natural health alternatives, organic news, wholefood news, massage news, herbal medicine news, natural health news articles, natural health updates, psychology news =============== There’s good news and there’s bad news when you look at cancer in the modern world. On the one hand, cancer rates are increasing, that’s the bad news. On the other hand, cancer survival rates are also increasing, which is the good news. To put some figures on this, in the past two decades overall cancer rates in Australia have increased by around 27 per cent. The leading cancer is prostate cancer with around 18,500 new cases diagnosed each year. However, if you look at the number of people who survive five years or more after diagnosis of prostate in the past two decades, that number has increased from 56 per cent to 92 per cent. Indeed, for all cancers, five-year survival rates have increased from 47 per cent to 66 per cent. This means that there are a lot more people out there living through cancer treatment. The challenge with that is that cancer treatments can be taxing. so a new focus has to be on improving quality of life after cancer treatment. That is why a new study showing that qi gong can fight post-cancer treatment fatigue is very good news. The study focused on prostate cancer survivors who had received androgen deprivation therapy. Androgens are male hormones that stimulate prostate cancer cells to grow. Lowering androgen levels or stopping them from getting into prostate cancer cells often makes prostate cancers shrink or grow more slowly for a time. The problem is that this treatment can cause a sense of physical or emotional, or even cognitive, exhaustion and fatigue that can last for months or years following treatment. Since people who have gone through androgen deprivation therapy are encouraged to use exercise as a non-drug method of combating this fatigue, these researchers wanted to see whether qi gong might be an effective form of that exercise. Qi gong is an ancient Chinese form of movement exercise that promotes the flow of qi (chi - vital energy) through your body. Qi gong translates as “energy work” or “work with energy” in English and comprises exercises for stretching and mobilising the body and joints, breathing techniques, slow movement exercises, static postures, special walking methods and meditation. Each action aims to move your qi in a specific way, and the aim in all the movements is to increase the flow of qi through your mind and body. For the study, the researchers had a group of men who were prostate cancer survivors and had an average age of 72 take part in one of two groups. For 12 weeks, one group took part in qi gong classes while the other group attended stretching classes. At the end of the 12 weeks, it was found that there had been a much higher attendance rate at the qi gong classes. Additionally, among those who had done the qi gong there was a significant decline in levels of fatigue distress compared to those who do the stretching. It would seem that the mind-body elements of qi gong lead to benefits that physical exercise alone cannot bring. Although the word is being used in two different senses, it appears that working with your “energy” can give energy levels a boost and improve quality of life.

2013年7月3日 星期三


体育总局拓展健身气功空间 招标创编“健身气功 明目功” 2013年07月01日16:39 来源:人民网-体育频道 人民网宁波7月1日电(记者王继晟)国家体育总局健身气功管理中心主任常建平在“第六届全国健身气功交流比赛大会上”举办期间向记者透露,健身气功管理中心正在面向全国各高等院校、医疗单位、科研机构和社会团体等单位招标,组织编创健身气功·明目功新功法,目的是有针对性保护人的眼睛健康,特别是预防青少年近视眼,健身气功要成为全民健身的主力军,健身气功在满足群众健身养生需求方面还有很大拓展空间,在弘扬中华优秀传统文化,促进社会和谐方面可以发挥更大的积极作用。 常建平主任介绍说,我们的目标是在全面梳理与明目功相关资料的基础上,按照健身气功的特点和要求,编创出一套功理科学、动作规范、简便易学、安全健康、效果明显、优于现行眼保健操的明目新功法。我们将从文化学、中医学、心理学、现代医学、体育学等多学科角度,对新创编的明目功法的历史渊源、功法特点、功理功效等进行阐释和探究。并且将通过新编功法试点推广,并与眼保健操等对比试验,验证新编功法的明目效果。 健身气功是我国正式开展的第62个体育项目。健身气功管理中心从2003年开始实施国家体育总局编创的健身气功新功法推广计划,主要对象是城乡中老年人群,主要形式是在城乡建立练功站点。目前我国健身气功推广普及工作取得了可喜成绩,截止2012年底的统计,全国注册健身气功站点达到15469个,练功者超过150万人,并且开始走进大专院校和中小学校。常建平主任介绍说“健身气功是以自身形体活动、呼吸吐纳、心理调节相结合为主要运动形式的传统体育项目,在中国有着悠久的历史和广泛的群众基础。” 2011年国际奥委会世界群众体育大会把“发展与促进奖”大奖颁给中国健身气功项目,国际奥委会体育部主任杜比先生解释说,健身气功对场地、器材无要求,推广人群数量大,规模大,影响广泛;便于在世界各地推广(包括欠发达地区);

2013年5月26日 星期日


第三次世界醫學氣功大會論文 《中西醫和氣功綜合治療120例中晚期食道癌》 《Complementary Treatment of Late Staged Esophageal Cancer Using Western, Chinese Medicine and Qigong Therapy》 Study and Written By : Cong Jing, Zhang Qiang, Chen Jun, Yang Aiying (Tumor Hospital, Zibo 255067 China) This Abstract has been examined, accepted and published by The Third World Conference of Medical Qigong in both in Chinese and English. The English report is not as detailed as the Chinese report. This edited version is a combination of both reports. A comprehensive therapy of Chinese-Western medicine and qigong has been adopted in our hospital since May, 1991-Dec. 1995. Chinese medicine: compound Tianxian capsule; Western medicine: radiotherapy and (or) chemotherapy according to patients' pathology type and specific conditions; Qigong: Guolin New Qigong: natural movement, express movement relaxation static qigong, sound qigong, one two three steps walking and fast walking. It combines traditional Chinese medicine with modern medicine and integrates biology--society--psycho medicine together. Modern testing methods, such as imaging and laboratory tests etc. were employed to observe 120 cases suffering from medium to late staged esophageal cancer before and after self - treatment. After statistical management, the result was as follows: Groups Number Bone Marrow Suppression Nausea & Vomiting Liver & Kidney damage Loss of Hair Fever P Value Before Therapy 120 24 (0.2) 22 (0.183) 2 (0.017) 10 (0.083) 4 (0.033) After Therapy 120 16 (0.133) 0 0 0 0 <0.01 Years after Therapy Beginning Number of Patients Number of Mortality of this Illness Number of Mortality of other Illnesses Number of Losing Contact During the Period Adjusted Number During the Period Rate of Mortality Rate of Survivors Cumulative Rate of Survivors 1st year 120 22 14 0 113 0.1947 0.8053 0.8053 2nd year 84 24 6 10 76 0.3158 0.6842 0.5510 3rd year 44 2 4 16 34 0.0588 0.9412 0.5185 4th year 22 2 6 8 15 .01333 0.8667 0.4494 5th year 6 1 0 0 6 0.1667 0.8333 0.3745 The final result: the survival rate: 5 years: 37.45%; medium survival period:2-3 years. This survival rate is obviously longer compared to that of other therapies reported so far. (survival rate: 16-20% for 5 years; medium survival period: 17 months) The study shows that the comprehensive therapy of Chinese-Western medicine and qigong has the function of improving the curative effect, relieving side effects, improving physical state, and prolonging the survival period. Therefore it is the best therapy in the treatment of medium to late staged esophageal cancer so far. ==================== 第三次世界醫學氣功大會論文 《中西醫和氣功綜合治療120例中晚期食道癌》 《采用西醫中医和气功疗法互补治疗晚期食管癌》 研究作者:张蔷,陈俊,丛景,杨爱英(肿瘤医院,淄博255067中国) 本摘要的中英文版本已被第三屆世界醫學氣功大会审查通過並出版。英文报告不如中文报告详细。此报告是兩個版本的编辑组合。 我院自1991年5月至1995年12月期間採用了中西医气功综合疗法。 中醫:用中药复方天仙胶囊; 西醫:放疗和(或)根据患者的病理类型和具体条件化疗; 气功:郭林新气功:自然行功,快功,放鬆静功,吐音功,一二三步點功,快步行功。 這是结合了中西医与现代医学—社会—心理学-生物学的结合。 现代测试方法,如成像圖形和实验室测试等方法,观察120例中晚期食管癌患者在郭林氣功自我鍛煉之前和之后。 经过统计管理,结果如下: 组 骨髓抑制,恶心、呕吐的次数 肝和肾的头发热P值的损失 治疗前 120,24(0.2)22(0.183) 2 0.017 10 0.083 4 0.033。 治疗后 120,16(0.133)0 0 0 0<0.01 治疗后的年 从患者数 这种疾病的死亡人数 对其他疾病的死亡率 一些期间失去联系 调整数期间 死亡率 生存率 幸存者累积率 第一年 120 22 14 0 113 0.1947 0.8053 0.8053 第二年 84 24 6 10 76 0.3158 0.6842 0.5510 第三年 44 2 4 16 34 0.0588 0.9412 0.5185 第四年 22 2 6 8 15 01333 0.8667 0.4494 第五年 6 1 0 0 6 0.1667 0.8333 0.3745 最后的结果: 成活率:5年:37.45%;媒介生存期:2年。 这种生存率明显更长的时间比其他的治疗方法到目前为止。 (生存率:16-20% 5年生存期:17个月;介质) 研究表明,中国的西方医学和气功综合治疗提高疗效的作用,减轻副作用,提高身体的状态,并延长生存期。 因此,这是最好的治疗中晚期食管癌的治疗到目前为止。

2013年5月25日 星期六

MD Anderson’s Integrative Medicine Program Shows Success in Qigong Study Posted Thursday , May 23,2013 The Integrative Medicine Program at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center is a program in which studies are done on integrative medicine for cancer patients. Integrative medicine is one in which the whole-body approach is used to treat a disease, in which some holistic ancient forms of alternative therapies are used in conjunction with traditional western medicine. Dr. Lorenzon Cohen, professor at M.D. Anderson’s Departments of General Oncology and Behavioral Science and director of the Integrative Medicine Program, describes integrative medicine in The Houston Chronicle: “We focus on the relation between the practitioner and the patients, and we are informed by evidence – we don’t want to be prescribing things to our patients for which there is no evidence of safety or of benefit. Also, in integrative medicine we seek to make use of all possible avenues for healing that may work.” This differs from both alternative medicine and complimentary medicine – the former uses holistic treatments in place of traditional medical treatments, while the latter is similar to integrative medicine but uses even unproven types of alternative medicine as long as it does no harm to the patient (such as having a patient maintain a certain healthy diet that is not proven to be effective on healing). By combining only methods of treatment for patients that have been shown to have positive results, they are able to offer a more effective treatment regimen. As stated on the website, the MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Integrative Medicine Program seeks to “engage patients with cancer and their families to become active partners in their own physical, psycho-spiritual, and social health through personalized evidence-based clinical care, exceptional research, and education to optimize health, quality of life, and clinical outcomes across the cancer continuum.” In one recent successful study performed by Cohen and his colleagues, 96 Chinese women in Shanghai with breast cancer were evaluated as they received a course of radiation as well as followed up with over time to determine the true long-term effects of the treatment. The women were randomized and some used Qigong, an ancient Chinese mind-body practice which involves meditation, while the others did not. In the women who practiced Qigong, depression was lessened over time, particularly in those women whose depression was the highest in the beginning. The women who did not practice Qigong saw no difference in their level of depression over time. The results show that this type of integrative medicine can reduce the stress on cancer patients, and this can potentially promote healing. As Cohen says, “It is important for cancer patients to manage stress because it can have a profoundly negative effect on biological systems and inflammatory profiles.” Qigong (meaning in English “energy cultivation” or “working with the life energy”) is a ritual that involves physical exercises and meditative breathing related to tai chi. Its ancient practice is based in the belief that the body is made up of energy (called “qi”) and that regulating this energy can enhance and promote health within the body. The success of this recent study by the Integrative Medicine Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center along with other studies will no doubt lead to encouragement of integrative therapy and a whole-body approach to healing for cancer patients.

2013年3月21日 星期四


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2013年3月8日 星期五

The Oncology Support Program of Benedictine Hospital is sponsoring a three-hour workshop on traditional Chinese medicine approaches to healing from breast cancer

Kingston cancer support group hosts alternative medicine workshop Published: February 12, 2013 5:47 PM By NEWSDAY.COM The Oncology Support Program of Benedictine Hospital is sponsoring a three-hour workshop on traditional Chinese medicine approaches to healing from breast cancer starting at 10 a.m. Saturday at Reuner Cancer Support House, 80 Mary's Ave., Kingston. The program will be led by Meg Coons, a trainer for the Breast Cancer Prevention Project, a qigong-based program. She will discuss alternative...